Spread between the many layers
Of family members’ needs,
The Sandwich Generation
Tries its best to keep the heid.
Rushing, always busy;
Doing, listening, being there,
Making sure that needs are met
With mid-life loving care.
Sometimes feeling scunnered
That the time they thought was theirs
Is taken up with sorting stuff
Like chair-lifts for the stairs…
…And visits to the hospital
And choosing sticks or zimmers
And helping with a change of clothes
And making lunch or dinners.
Sometimes just not able
To fit all their own stuff in,
Like work and friends and yoga,
Trips and visits to the gym.
Sometimes feeling lucky
That they do have time to spend
With someone that they dearly love
Before their life might end.
Often juggling this and that
Of family members’ needs,
The Sandwich Generation
Tries it’s best to keep the heid…
© Jane Milne 2017